Roosevelt Elementary School

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Roosevelt Elementary School
Dear Roosevelt Family,
I hope you’ve enjoyed your summer thus far! As I think about the upcoming school year, I am excited to continue to work together to support the diverse social, emotional and academic needs of our children. With the dedicated staff of Roosevelt right beside me, and your full support, I’m confident in our ability to help our children make forward progress and demonstrate success. It is truly an honor to be apart of this school community.
As we get closer to August 26th, the first day of school, I wanted to reach out to provide a few reminders.
The School District of Philadelphia and the staff here at Roosevelt Elementary School are committed to doing everything we can to make decisions that improve outcomes for all students. To that end, the district has decided to stick with our adjusted bell time to help reduce the amount of time students spend on buses, allow for consistent cleaning of buses, and help the Office of Transportation Services overcome a significant reduction in staffing due to the national Bus Driver shortage.
Roosevelt’s start time is still 7:30am and our end time is 2:09pm for the 2024-2025 school year. While this is the same schedule as last year, I am sharing this reminder so that if you have not done so already, you can start to make arrangements ahead of time to ensure your child can attend school on time every day. Students reporting to school on time, in uniform, will earn points on ClassDOJO. As a school community, we will continue to utilize ClassDOJO as a means of maintaining daily communication, providing school-wide updates and sharing photos of the great things happening here at Roosevelt. Please continue to support us in our efforts to create an environment built on our five core PBIS expectations.
When planning for this year, please remember that although homeroom starts promptly at 7:30am for all students in grades K-8, breakfast will be served daily from 7am-7:25am in both cafeterias. The Cub’s Cafeteria, located closest to the parking lot, will provide students in K-4 with breakfast while the other cafeteria, the Bear’s Den, will provide students in grades 5-8 with breakfast. Both doors are now labeled and easily accessible! All Roosevelt students should enter the building through the rear of the school, into their respective grade level cafeteria, up until 7:45am. After 7:45am, students are officially late and must enter through the front door and check-in with Ms.Glass, School Improvement Support Liaison, at the front desk. We need all students to be in school, on time, every day!
More information about our return to school will be shared with you during the District’s Back-to-School campaign leading up to August 26th. I encourage you to visit the School District of Philadelphia’s website on a regular basis for the most up to date information on our return to full, in-person learning.
Aside from our website, additional school-level reminders will be shared via social media. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @_roosevelt_bears_.
Information pertaining to uniforms, cell phone use, staffing assignments and admission and dismissal procedures can be found within various tabs of this site. Take a look and feel free to email me at if you have any questions.
For now, please enjoy the rest of your summer! We cannot wait to welcome our children back to school on August 26th!
Ms. Heifet, Building Principal